10 Weekly Goals


One thing I’d like to get back to is regularly posting my weekly goals. I’ve got some big goals for 2016. Accountability is key to success.

Goals for the week:


  1. Exercise 5 times
  2. Plan meals & shop for groceries


3. Complete 6 Power Hours with a focus on customer care


4. Make a list of donations (upstairs) & donate on the weekend

5. Implement a weekly cleaning schedule


6. Write out a family mission statement

7. Have a date night in

8. Plan a daily activity to go with my son


9. Read & study 1 John

10. Read at least 30 minutes each day


What are your goals this week?



10 Weekly Goals (Knowing I Might Toss Them Out The Window At Any Moment)

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It’s been a loooooooong time since I’ve updated my blog. I’ve been so busy with my new job (double the hours from my last job), birth classes, and nesting, I’ve hardly had a moment to think about it. I’m officially on maternity leave, so I’m back! I can’t guarantee I’ll post as frequently as I used to, but with the baby coming soon, I’m hoping to update occasionally for all those out-of-state family members who are looking for an update on the baby.

I thought I’d start with a weekly goals post, knowing full well that I might abandon my goals at any moment if I go into labor. Then I’ll only have one goal – having a baby!

This week’s goals:

Marriage/Homemaking Goals:

1. Write a love note to Spencer

2. Finish the nursery

3. Spend at least 1 hour a day on cleaning/organizing/nesting

4. Do one “freezer cooking in an hour” session

5. Finish up “post-baby” lists

Personal Goals:

6. Read She Reads Truth app daily

7. Finish up thank you notes from baby shower

8. Exercise at least 3 days

Financial/Hobby Goals:

9. Apply for state disability

10. Make a baby wrap

We’ll see how I do with these this week. What are your goals?

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Days 6-9



I’ve been supremely slacking in following up with this challenge! I find it’s easier for me to tackle a few days’ worth of projects together, but I’m working on spacing them out a little every day so I don’t get overwhelmed. One of my goals this week is to catch up on this challenge!

Complete a 15-minute pickup of main living areas

My main living areas are becoming less and less of a problem with clutter. I’ll be also focusing this time on the master bedroom as well.

Day 6 – Clean out your vehicle

I try to keep my car clean as best as I can, but it still can use a good cleaning every now and then. I was SHOCKED at how much debris there was on the floor of my car! It’s soooo much cleaner now that it’s been vacuumed and washed!

ahhh... so pretty!

ahhh… so pretty!

bag of stuff to leave the car!

bag of stuff to leave the car!

Day 7 – Wipe down all the baseboards in your home

Day 8 – Wipe down all the door handles in your home

Day 9 – Wipe down all the light switch plates in your home

Find 7 things to get rid of
(These are from my car)

  1. 2 textbooks
  2. 5 old maps
  3. 1 tub of lotion
  4. 1 takeout menu
  5. 1 expired coupon

We spent 2-3 hours on Sunday clearing out the future nursery. Lots of stuff got thrown out, moved to storage, and given away. I have no idea how many things there were, but it was more than 7.

Did you complete last week’s tasks? How’d it go?

Menu Plan Monday

Hello! I’m here with another Menu Plan Monday!

We’re trying to eat from the pantry this week, which means minimal shopping. I’m also planning another freezer cooking day soon, but this one won’t be as large of an effort. I’m thinking 3-4 recipes at the most.

Here’s the plan for this week:


Shakeology mocha frappuccinos

Cereal with milk


Homemade Energy Bites

Greek Yogurt




Cobb Salad

Brown Butter Fish


Monday – Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake

Tuesday – Leftovers

Wednesday – Easy Chicken Bake

Thursday – Italian Wonderpot

Friday – Corn dogs

Saturday – Chicken wraps

Sunday – Leftovers

10 Weekly Goals

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I fell behind on a lot of my goals this week. I got caught up with being lazy in the afternoons, and I watched too much TV this week. I made Friday a “no TV day” to try to catch up on some work. We spent a good chunk of time clearing out the nursery this weekend, but I need to get back on track with my organizing challenge. Here’s to a fresh start!

Last week’s goals:

Marriage/Homemaking Goals:

  1. Write a love note to Spencer
  2. Read part 6 of Happily Ever After: Six Secrets to a Successful Marriage
  3. Complete days 6-10 of the “4 weeks to a more organized home” challenge

Personal Goals:

  1. Finish reading 2 Samuel
  2. Keep up with daily routines
  3. Exercise 6 days this week

Financial/Hobby Goals:

  1. Blog 6 times
  2. Work 5 hours on BeachBody
  3. Read Developing the Leader Within You, and finish part 1 of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
  4. Work on a crafting project


This week’s goals:

Marriage/Homemaking Goals:

  1. Write a love note to Spencer
  2. Start a baby registry
  3. Catch up on days 6-10 & complete days 11-15 of the “4 weeks to a more organized home” challenge

Personal Goals:

  1. Read 1 Kings
  2. Keep up with daily routines
  3. Exercise 6 days this week

Financial/Hobby Goals:

  1. Blog 4 times
  2. Work 5 hours on BeachBody
  3. Start a P90X3 challenge group
  1. Take the Strengths Finder 2.0 test & read about my 5 strengths

What are your goals for the week?


Menu Plan Monday


Hello! I’m here with another Menu Plan Monday!

I’m not feeling super inspired this week for menus. I need some inspiration to hit! I’m sharing a super simple menu plan this week.

Here’s the plan for this week:


Shakeology w/almond milk and spinach

Freezer Breakfast Burritos


Homemade Energy Bites

Greek Yogurt

Green juice

Protein shakes


Cobb Salad

Homemade Freezer Hot Pockets


Monday – Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake

Tuesday – Homemade pizza

Wednesday – Chicken Soft Tacos

Thursday – Italian Wonderpot

Friday – Grilled salmon w/veggies

Saturday – Fried Rice

Sunday – Leftovers

What’s on your menu this week?

4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Days 4 & 5



Sorry I’m a bit late on this post! Better late than never. 🙂

Complete a 15-minute pickup of main living areas

I completely missed these days and only did the daily tasks. Oops! My main living areas are getting to be less and less of an issue. Hooray! This week I’ll be focused on picking up the master bedroom, too.

Day 4 – Move furniture & vacuum underneath



Day 5 – Clean your couches

Since I can’t move furniture due to pregnancy, I had to wait for the weekend to finish these tasks so my husband could help. While he had the couches moved, I vacuumed and mopped underneath. I also cleaned the baseboards behind the couches since that’s on the task list for this week! I still need to move the bed and TV stand to get everything good and clean underneath, but that will probably wait until next weekend.

photo 4

And a photobomb from Pippin…

photo 3

Find 7 things to get rid of

I found a few random things under the couches. They’ve at least been dealt with!

photo 2

  1. A pack of tissues
  2. A felt foot for furniture
  3. Disposable protective eye wear for after a visit to the eye doctor
  4. A cat toy
  5. Broken pieces of an outlet
  6. A recipe
  7. 2 pennies

Did you complete last week’s tasks? How’d it go?

10 Weekly Goals

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I’m still working on my list of goals. I was able to finish quite a few of them!

I was able to complete the first week of the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home challenge, even though my blogging about it was lax. I’ll be posting my results from Day 4-5 today. I was able to keep up with exercise 6 days this week, and still remained active on my rest day.

Last night, my husband and I were able to work on a crafty project together. We’re making some décor for the nursery! We painted wooden crosses last night. It was so fun to bust out my paint set again!

Last week’s goals:

Marriage/Homemaking Goals:

  1. Write a love note to Spencer
  2. Read part 4 of Happily Ever After: Six Secrets to a Successful Marriage
  3. Complete days 1-5 of the “4 weeks to a more organized home” challenge

Personal Goals:

  1. Read 2 Samuel
  2. Keep up with new daily routines
  3. Exercise 6 days

Financial/Hobby Goals:

  1. Blog 6 times
  2. Work 5 hours on BeachBody
  3. Read Developing the Leader Within You, part 1 of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  4. Work on a crafting project


This week’s goals:

Marriage/Homemaking Goals:

  1. Write a love note to Spencer
  2. Read part 6 of Happily Ever After: Six Secrets to a Successful Marriage
  3. Complete days 6-10 of the “4 weeks to a more organized home” challenge

Personal Goals:

  1. Finish reading 2 Samuel
  2. Keep up with daily routines
  3. Exercise 6 days this week

Financial/Hobby Goals:

  1. Blog 6 times
  2. Work 5 hours on BeachBody
  3. Read Developing the Leader Within You, and finish part 1 of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
  4. Work on a crafting project


What are your goals for the week?


4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Days 2 & 3



Welcome back to the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home challenge! I’m delighted by the amount of things I’m finding to get rid of!

Complete a 15-minute pickup of main living areas

I missed day 2, so I’m roping these two days in together! That means I spent 30 minutes picking up main living areas.

Day 2 – Clean out your fridge

Day 3 – Clean out your freezer

I was able to do both of these tasks fairly quickly, as I recently cleaned out the fridge. I threw out anything that was expired from both the fridge and freezer. I definitely need a wire shelf for the freezer to utilize the space better!

Fridge before

Fridge before

Fridge after

Fridge after

Fridge door before

Fridge door before

Fridge door after

Fridge door after

Freezer before

Freezer before

Freezer after

Freezer after

Freezer door before

Freezer door before

Freezer door after

Freezer door after

Find 7 things to get rid of (that means 14 for me!)

2014-08-06 13.36.21A stack of expired coupons

  1. 1 receipt
  2. An old thank you note
  3. 2 old pieces of mail
  4. 1 packing slip
  5. 1 “we missed you” notice
  6. 2 catalogs
  7. 2 magazines
  8. 2 balloon weights
  9. 1 box unopened tea
  10. 1 Weight Watchers salad Tupperware
  11. 2 Starbucks reusable cups
  12. 4 partial bottles of booze (1 not pictured)
  13. A large stack of egg cartons

If you count those individually, that’s 22 items for today, or 37 items total since the beginning of the challenge!

Have you done today’s tasks yet? How’d it go?