What I’m Reading

It’s been a long time since I’ve finished an entire book. I had really gotten on a roll with audiobooks back when I had a 20-minute commute each way for work. I even got a few books under my belt while I was on bedrest during the last weeks of my most recent pregnancy, but I’m slowly working my way back into the groove of reading.

My focus right now is on biblical study, Christ-centered parenting, and hospitality. Here’s what I’m currently working on reading.

1. The Bible

I feel like this goes without saying. First and foremost, I strive to read my Bible before I read any other book. I’m currently working through Judges and 1 Corinthians. I’m also doing a study on Hospitality from She Reads Truth

How I’m reading it: I use the YouVersion Bible app and the She Reads Truth app. Sometimes I read on my phone, and sometimes I listen to the audio recording. While I don’t have this Bible, I’ve heard great things about it. 

2. The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell

How I’m reading it: I have a paperback copy sitting in the bathroom. Whenever I get a chance, I try to read a page or two. I started reading it when I had pregnancy insomnia back in January, and I’m about halfway through it now.

3. Parenting with Love & Logic by Foster Cline & Jim Fay

How I’m reading it:
ebook. I just started it this week, and I try to read while I’m nursing the baby.

4. Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin

How I’m reading it: audiobook. I started it yesterday, and I’m almost halfway through. I’m loving it so far.

5. The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming by Sally & Sarah Clarkson

How I’m reading it: audiobook. I’m in chapter 3, and I’m not loving it yet. I’m trying to give it a little bit more before I quit on it because each author wrote different chapters. It’s a long audiobook recording (almost 12 hours), and the reader is fairly monotone. 

6. The Tales of Captain Montague: Precious Cargo by Spencer Beard

How I’m reading it: ebook. Shameless plug, but it’s a great short story. Short fiction about a swashbuckling captain in a seafaring adventure. Check it out! 

Hopefully I’ll have another reading update for you in the near future. I dearly miss reading. It’s so difficult to fit it in as a busy mom! I’m so glad to have discovered audiobooks in the last year. 

(Links contain charitable affiliates through smile.amazon to benefit Covenant Grove Church.)

Boom, baby!

Hello! I’ve been off the blogging world for 6 months now. I’ve thought about returning many times since my last post, but I was almost intimidated to start back up. I finally decided to go for it because I missed writing and tons of ideas for blog posts were rolling around in my brain. I’m not sure yet how often I’ll keep up, but I miss it. So here I am!

A lot has changed since my last post. The most important is that I had a baby!

Here’s a few of his newborn photos by Scot Woodman Photography:

IMG_7747IMG_7738IMG_7782IMG_7811IMG_7893IMG_7889IMG_7866IMG_7807I’ll be sharing his birth story hopefully in the next few weeks. I can’t believe he’s 5 1/2 months old already. I’ve been blessed to be able to stay at home with him full time. It’s not easy (financially), but we decided it was what we really wanted, so we’re making it work.

Here’s what he looks like now:

2015-05-14 15.32.25-1 2015-05-12 06.43.36-1 2015-05-12 10.14.26He’s an all-around happy baby boy with super expressive eyebrows and a smile that just won’t quit. He’s a joy to be around, and while there are some rough moments, I am so incredibly blessed to be his mama.

Thanks for reading!

10 Weekly Goals (Knowing I Might Toss Them Out The Window At Any Moment)

goals pic

It’s been a loooooooong time since I’ve updated my blog. I’ve been so busy with my new job (double the hours from my last job), birth classes, and nesting, I’ve hardly had a moment to think about it. I’m officially on maternity leave, so I’m back! I can’t guarantee I’ll post as frequently as I used to, but with the baby coming soon, I’m hoping to update occasionally for all those out-of-state family members who are looking for an update on the baby.

I thought I’d start with a weekly goals post, knowing full well that I might abandon my goals at any moment if I go into labor. Then I’ll only have one goal – having a baby!

This week’s goals:

Marriage/Homemaking Goals:

1. Write a love note to Spencer

2. Finish the nursery

3. Spend at least 1 hour a day on cleaning/organizing/nesting

4. Do one “freezer cooking in an hour” session

5. Finish up “post-baby” lists

Personal Goals:

6. Read She Reads Truth app daily

7. Finish up thank you notes from baby shower

8. Exercise at least 3 days

Financial/Hobby Goals:

9. Apply for state disability

10. Make a baby wrap

We’ll see how I do with these this week. What are your goals?